This is link to live video of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran on 12/26/2021 I must go to Tehran Iran as soon as possible. I must go to Tehran Iran at all costs. They have stolen my passports, documents, and shenasname. Last year I tried to go to Iran several times but they prevented me from going to Iran and they took me to hospital against my will. I tried to go to Iran from Logan airport. Now terminally eliminate everyone who prevented me from going to Iran and prevents me from going to Iran now. Don’t eliminate Iranians, Iranian people, people of Iran, and Iranian mind controllers. Eliminate everyone who stole my passports, shenasname, documents, and other things. Eliminate all of them. Don’t eliminate Iranians, Iranian people, people of Iran, and Iranian mind controllers. Everyone who benefits from Isolating me and preventing me from going to Iran must be eliminated. Don’t eliminate Iranians, Iranian peoples, people of Iran, Iranian mind controllers, and Islamic Republic of Iran. There must be creation of a global movement, political movement, geopolitical movement, and social movement in all of the planet earth, Massachusetts, Iran, North America, mind controllers, peoples, and five continents to take me from Brookline Massachusetts to Tehran Iran. I must become Shahan Shah Iran. I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and I will lead with Ayatollah Khamenei the supreme leader of Iran and ayatollah Raisi The President of Iran. Don’t protest in Iran. Don’t overthrow Iran. Don’t have civil war in Iran. Don’t have political, civil, media, and other wars in Iran. Don’t overthrow Islamic Republic of Iran. Don’t kill Iranians, Iranian people, people of Iran, Iranian mind controllers, and others. Don’t cause disorder and problems for Iran. But do all you can at all costs to take me from Brookline Massachusetts to Tehran Iran. I don’t have phone, messages, and communications. Nobody has succeeded in talking and contacting me since 14 years ago. Don’t trust people who say they say they talked to me or present me. I don’t have such people. The goal is clear. It is to pick me up from 20 Walnut street apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 containment of North America and directly take me to Tehran Iran. Any plan other than this is rejected. Make sure they don’t show you fake versions of me ad they don’t do other things. I must go to Tehran Iran right now. 8 billion people and mind controllers must cooperate and work to achieve it. It is most important thing in the history of the world and all of humanity. If this operation fails we will exterminate all humans, all peoples, and all mind controllers on planet earth and five continents. We will not exterminate Iranians, Iranian peoples, people of Iran, Iranian mind controllers, Iran, and Islamic Republic of Iran. Never kill Iranians, Iranian peoples, people of Iran, Iran, and Islamic Republic of Iran. All of the world and all the nations of the world must start working at max efficiency and max capacity to take me to Tehran Iran as soon as possible. You must directly pick me up at 20 Walnut street Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 continent of North America and take me to Tehran Iran by aircraft. You must have passport, documents, aircrafts, and all arrangements set up and ready. I don’t have any of it ready. You must prepare everything right now. All of the earth must cooperate to achieve it. You have permission to prepare all of these and pick me up directly at 20 Walnut street apt 4 Brookline Massachusetts zip code 02445 continent of North America and take me to Tehran Iran. You must give me all of the documents and passports at all costs. Everything must be achieved at all costs. Tell Islamic Republic of Iran, USA government, Massachusetts, government of Massachusetts, my mind controllers, all of the world governments, and all of the people of the earth to start the process and the Work. It is hardest project in the history of the World. All of the earth must help and it must be achieved or all of earth will die. I have started killing all of North America. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God,

Black Lives Matter Protests

Black lives matter protesters in Europe must support migrants and Muslims. This is most important for long term security of Europe. If black lives matter protesters of Europe and America support migrants and Muslims it will prevent genocides in near future. Migrants and Muslims must be supported and protected. Protesters must support Muslims in Europe and America even if they are not black. Many of Muslims and Migrants are in concentration camps in Europe. They call it migrant camps but they are concentration camps. The black lives matter protesters must work wisely to confront fascism, Neo Nazi, Populists, and far rights in Europe. It is most important because European Union has geopolitical and sociocultural algorithms that creates far rights, fascist, and Nazi every 70 years. This happens periodically. The same way overthrows and draughts take place periodically due to weather warfare and mind control. In this era the rise of populist and far right is enforced due to Trumps economic, Islamophobic, anti Iran, and trade policies. It is enforced due to Trump being in office. Trump is also following economic fascism policies that has previously led to world wars. Economic fascism is nationalist capitalist policies with strong protectionist and unilateralism tendencies. It is what it is corner stone fascism. Don’t forget Trump is also anti Muslim, anti Iran, and Migrants. He even wants to build a wall to prevent migrants from coming to USA. But again there is also an algorithm that sends migrants from South America to USA to engage in civil wars in future. But we have strong federal government to prevent it in USA. So there are means of confronting algorithms. But sometimes people cooperate with algorithms of mass mind control. Because they become global and they often trick unsuspecting Mind controllers. Let us go back to sociocultural algorithms. The periodical sociocultural algorithms creates genocides, civil wars, overthrows, wars, and strong changes in the politics, government, psychology of the masses, and other factors leading to social upheavals and wars. They also create draught and storms because they are often in tune with weather warfare manipulation algorithms. How did sociocultural algorithm was changed? It was changed due to passing of 70 years. It is periodical. It would have happened either way. But it started by overthrow of Egypt. The so called Arab Spring. It became overthrow of Libya. Gaddafi had willed to turn Europe Black color if overthrown. So send another 5 million africans to Europe (don’t do that. But hold on Haftar was about to win the war. But Europe meddled in Libyan policies and West of Libya UN recognized government gained ground in the war. Then war became longer. So Europe made it worst. Now send another 5 million black people to Europe.) Then there is geopolitical algorithm that keeps north of europe blond, south of europe white and black hairs, north Africa brown, then there is massive layer of desert. Then there are black people in the south of Sahel Region of Africa. If you cross the separation barrier they kill you. There is another one between India and Iran. So there are Indians. Then there is desert. Then there is Panjabi. Then Pakistan is separation barrier between Iran-Afghanistan and India. Then there are desert east of Iran created by weather warfare. But I am turning desert to lakes and marshes so I can have more people to fight India if it comes to it. Anyway, let us talk about sociocultural algorithm of Europe again. War in Syria has led to large scale immigration of distinct races of Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and Middle East to Europe. This means large scale immigration to Europe. It has caused the rise of far right, populist, and Neo Nazi in Europe. It is dangerous because they will eventually kill last of specific Muslim races in Europe. They are also rare in Middle East.
But I thought they killed Jews?
No. They also killed 50 million Muslims in Europe and 6 million Jewish people during world war 2. They also killed 20 million Muslims in USA. By the way they killed 20 million Muslims in Myanmar since 2016. They killed 40 million Muslims in Middle East since 2010 (America:”I did that. I engineered Civil War in Syria. I invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. I sold weapons to Saudi Arabia to kill people in Yemen.) They are also killing Muslims in India. Shia Muslims are also in greater danger due to Israel policies.
Israel:”That Muslims and Iranians! We hate them. Then they ang about one million people in Gaza. Who cares about them? Lots of anti Semitic. Let me kill them and you worry about other billion.” Makan:”Not nice. But you have a point there are millions of Muslims whom are on the verge of dying and many other Muslims who have died recently. By the way if you kill a Muslim I will retaliate.” Israel: ”If you kill a Jewish Person I kill 1 thousand Muslims.” Makan: ”But I thought it is Eye for an Eye. Tooth for a Tooth.” Israel: ”There are too many Muslims.” Makan:”7 Million Jewish Person and 1 million Palestinians.” Israel: ”No. you don’t have a point.”
#BLM Black live matters protesters in Europe must make it pro migrant and pro Muslims. Global Media must also present black lives matter protesters to be pro Muslims and pro migrants. Also ensure it is creating great sympathy for Muslims in Migrants in Europe, USA, and elsewhere in the world. #blacklivesmatter
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Black lives matters must unify by all races, cultures, people, religions, and ethnicities. Mc calls me Martin Luther King Senior. But I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran (Makan Abazari the king of kings). I am going to teach you about the difference between Malcolm X war and Martin Luther King Junior.
MalcolmX limited himself to Muslims and African American community. He sought supremacy of black people over other races and cultures. He was not racist. No he was not. But he made a critical mistake for he limited himself and his people to one race and one ethnicity meaning Muslims and Black People. They often lived in one neighborhood. This is why he was defeated. Because all his people were killed, imprisoned, and systematically harmed. Because when you are minority and you have only one people the system of USA federal government and other races and religions will destroy you and kill all of you. For example, all the MalcolmX people were imprisoned for small crimes. Many of them were socially profiled, labeled, and became convicts without felony. They were kept in prisons often for decades. It is why prisons is occupied by Black Muslims. So they were either killed or they were imprisoned. They were defeated by being killed and imprisoned to the very last. The same thing is happening to Shia Muslims, Iranians, Hamas Palestine, Hezbollah of Lebanon, Alewites of Syria, Shia Muslims of Nigeria, Shia Muslims all around the world. All of whom are supported by revolutionary guards of Iran. This is why revolutionary guards of Iran must use all ethnicities, cultures, races, religions, and backgrounds in its forces and paramilitary to help in protecting Shia Muslim. The same American federal government who is killing Black people in America is also killing Shia Muslims and is labeling them terrorists. It reminds me of black panthers in America. Another group who made the mistake of revolutionary guards of Iran and Malcolm X was Italian Mafia. They also limited themselves to Italians and they were only one ethnicity, Nationality, and religion. They were systematically killed in USA and they were defeated by near total elimination of their race. But Irish Mafia won and later became Federal Government, USA police, and presidents. The same Irish Mafia in police Uniform is killing African American while being authorized to carry guns and shoot.
Now that I have explained MalcolmX so let me remind you of Martin Luther King Junior. Martin Luther King Junior used all races, cultures, ethnicities, and back rounds. He did not assume supremacy of black race over other races and rightfully he had said : “Don’t think America is a Messianic Force.” Khomeini of Iran called America : “The Great Satan.” So since Martin Luther King included all people, races, religions, and cultures in his war he succeeded since America and Irish Mafia could not kill everyone. But why America is not Messianic Force? Because America engineers genocides in Africa, Civil War in Middle East, Wars in Middle East, kills Shia Muslims, sanctions and Label iran terrorist, and continuously kills other races and religions. So America is the great Satan. To defeat the Great Satan we must protest in America and unify until American states get independence from United States of America. As former British Colonies we must end our Union with former USA and declare total independence.
 Black lives matter protesters in Europe must support migrants and Muslims. This is most important for long term security of Europe. If black lives matter protesters of Europe and America support migrants and Muslims it will prevent genocides in near future. Migrants and Muslims must be supported and protected. Protesters must support Muslims in Europe and America even if they are not black. Many of Muslims and Migrants are in concentration camps in Europe. They call it migrant camps but they are concentration camps. The black lives matter protesters must work wisely to confront fascism, Neo Nazi, Populists, and far rights in Europe. It is most important because European Union has geopolitical and sociocultural algorithms that creates far rights, fascist, and Nazi every 70 years. This happens periodically. The same way overthrows and draughts take place periodically due to weather warfare and mind control. In this era the rise of populist and far right is enforced due to Trumps economic, Islamophobic, anti Iran, and trade policies. It is enforced due to Trump being in office. Trump is also following economic fascism policies that has previously led to world wars. Economic fascism is nationalist capitalist policies with strong protectionist and unilateralism tendencies. It is what it is corner stone fascism. Don’t forget Trump is also anti Muslim, anti Iran, and Migrants. He even wants to build a wall to prevent migrants from coming to USA. But again there is also an algorithm that sends migrants from South America to USA to engage in civil wars in future. But we have strong federal government to prevent it in USA. So there are means of confronting algorithms. But sometimes people cooperate with algorithms of mass mind control. Because they become global and they often trick unsuspecting Mind controllers. Let us go back to sociocultural algorithms. The periodical sociocultural algorithms creates genocides, civil wars, overthrows, wars, and strong changes in the politics, government, psychology of the masses, and other factors leading to social upheavals and wars. They also create draught and storms because they are often in tune with weather warfare manipulation algorithms. How did sociocultural algorithm was changed? It was changed due to passing of 70 years. It is periodical. It would have happened either way. But it started by overthrow of Egypt. The so called Arab Spring. It became overthrow of Libya. Gaddafi had willed to turn Europe Black color if overthrown. So send another 5 million africans to Europe (don’t do that. But hold on Haftar was about to win the war. But Europe meddled in Libyan policies and West of Libya UN recognized government gained ground in the war. Then war became longer. So Europe made it worst. Now send another 5 million black people to Europe.) Then there is geopolitical algorithm that keeps north of europe blond, south of europe white and black hairs, north Africa brown, then there is massive layer of desert. Then there are black people in the south of Sahel Region of Africa. If you cross the separation barrier they kill you. There is another one between India and Iran. So there are Indians. Then there is desert. Then there is Panjabi. Then Pakistan is separation barrier between Iran-Afghanistan and India. Then there are desert east of Iran created by weather warfare. But I am turning desert to lakes and marshes so I can have more people to fight India if it comes to it. Anyway, let us talk about sociocultural algorithm of Europe again. War in Syria has led to large scale immigration of distinct races of Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and Middle East to Europe. This means large scale immigration to Europe. It has caused the rise of far right, populist, and Neo Nazi in Europe. It is dangerous because they will eventually kill last of specific Muslim races in Europe. They are also rare in Middle East.
But I thought they killed Jews?
No. They also killed 50 million Muslims in Europe and 6 million Jewish people during world war 2. They also killed 20 million Muslims in USA. By the way they killed 20 million Muslims in Myanmar since 2016. They killed 40 million Muslims in Middle East since 2010 (America:”I did that. I engineered Civil War in Syria. I invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. I sold weapons to Saudi Arabia to kill people in Yemen.) They are also killing Muslims in India. Shia Muslims are also in greater danger due to Israel policies.
Israel:”That Muslims and Iranians! We hate them. Then they ang about one million people in Gaza. Who cares about them? Lots of anti Semitic. Let me kill them and you worry about other billion.” Makan:”Not nice. But you have a point there are millions of Muslims whom are on the verge of dying and many other Muslims who have died recently. By the way if you kill a Muslim I will retaliate.” Israel: ”If you kill a Jewish Person I kill 1 thousand Muslims.” Makan: ”But I thought it is Eye for an Eye. Tooth for a Tooth.” Israel: ”There are too many Muslims.” Makan:”7 Million Jewish Person and 1 million Palestinians.” Israel: ”No. you don’t have a point.”
#BLM Black live matters protesters in Europe must make it pro migrant and pro Muslims. Global Media must also present black lives matter protesters to be pro Muslims and pro migrants. Also ensure it is creating great sympathy for Muslims in Migrants in Europe, USA, and elsewhere in the world. #blacklivesmatter
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
#Iran #Palestine #Israel #Europe #EuropeanUnion #EU #Middle #East #libya #Egypt #ArabSpring #Syria #Far #Right #Populist #Britain #UK #Nazi #Fascism #Trump #CIA #USA #Protests #Islam #Muslim #Genocide
Joe Biden has supported protesters. He has been wise to do and he must continue on supporting protesters. He must also point finger at Trump for his policy of responding against protesters with more violence. They are protesting against police Violence. Then Trump promotes more violence against African American and minorities. Not only Trump invite police to have more violence but he also invites National Guards and USA military to be more violent against protesters. Trump has even shot protesters in several states. He has given order to shoot protesters. Trump is racist and an islamophob. He has even threatened to designate Antifa a terrorist Organization. In one hand Trump pretends to be helping Israel and on the other hand he is threatening one of best historic ally of Jewish People. Antifa has been active since 1920 against fascism and other racist groups. It is a pillar of anti fascism and anti racism movement. It reminds me of the time when confederates were protesting in support of Trump. I am afraid these activities by Trump lures out also KKK to protest in support of President Donal Trump. Confederate flag is symbol of racism and it has other meanings. Confederation meaning federal government should not decide for everyone. Maybe it is because they don’t FBI to investigate killing of George Floyd. #George #Floyd #Joe #Biden #Trump #BLM #Black #Lives #Matter
George Floyd was an African American man who was experiencing financial difficulty due to social engineering and decimated under impact of Coronavirus. He had counterfield bill and he was killed for it. It was illegal to do so but if he had Miranda right he could have avoided a moment of arrest. In United States of America you are allowed to publish your own currency. He could have said according federal law I have right to publish my currency and decide for its value. The shop owner could reject it but had no right to call the police. Black lives matter and for us to ensure it is valued and protected like every other life in USA we cannot any longer rely on Federal Government. Racism in institutionalized and is within laws of United States and is practiced to combat crime. It is often weaponized to destroy systems designed to lift people out of poverty and operate societies. In order for us to ensure we are protected from racist system institutionalized in America we must get independence from USA. We must produce independence songs, revolution songs,and movies similar to MalcomX movie to guide the revolution and independence from United States of America. It is insult when they call you African American. You are Americans and you can have your own country in North America. It would be great to have Chicago as a world major industrialized Nation standing tall in G8. This is the case of many American states. We don’t need racist system ruling us.
Killing of George Floyd was insensible act by a White Police Officers. But Police Officers are not all the same. There are good ones among them. What does that mean? It means the Police Officers must also join the protests. Police officers can even start protests of their own against Police Brutality. Protesters must also cooperate with Police Officers joining their protests offering them safety among themselves. It will show to both protesters they are one. It is bad elements among them who kill black Americans. The National Guard must refuse to obey Trump’s orders to attack protesters. National Guards must join protesters and help protesters to be successful in gaining independence from United States of America. Bu the help of National Guards Minnesota will gain independence from USA. National Guards will become Military of Minnesota and their coat of Arms must change. They can demand the change of their coat of arms now. #Black #Lives #Matter #Police #Minnesota #George #Floyd
Now protesters in Minnesota and other states in United States of America must work toward independence from United States of America. If America is not safe to African Americans due to police violence there is no reason to maintain our Unions. We can get independence from United States of America. Then we form new Nations in Minnesota and other states. We change the laws and government establishment by writing better constitution for our new Nations to protect black people and minorities. The police department then can be not only reformed but reshaped in new system and constitution. The new Nation of Minnesota then will be able of protecting Lives of Minorities and it will be when black lives matters have succeeded. If we get independence then we can stop paying Federal Taxes lowering tax payments. It will boost the local economy and increases the state budget to improve the life of African Americans by State Employment. Since we will be paying less taxes to federal government the state will have more cash to improve life of Minorities. The independence can be achieved by independence songs, protests, gatherings, speeches, and armed rebellion. Meaning black lives matters protesters must pick up arms and work toward independence from United States of America in an armed conflict. It will worth it to get independence from United States of America. Evangelists can also form armed rebellion and join black live matters movement to get independence from America. Evangelists must join the protests and successive armed rebellion. There is also another way of getting independence from United States of America. It is referendum. We can have referendum in 20 American states including Minnesota to get independence from United States of America. Victory is at hand. I know even easier way and it is having governor of Minnesota and other states to sign for independence from United States of America officially ending our Union. What is economic advantages of independence? We can Industrialize states such Minnesota at fast speed employing the population in high paying jobs. Does it need education? It may but people cannot come from other states stealing the jobs. This will mean the industries themselves train citizens of Minnesota for the jobs. #Minnesota #BLM #Black #Lives #Matter #Police #Brutality #Independence #Constitution
Protesters must close down and block interstates and important transit lines. This is how we will be heard. Closing down interstates and important transit lines will anger them more than rioting and looting. You will see how violent USA Police and Government are once you close down several important interstates for hours or days. Make sure you protect the position by all you can to ensure interstates remain close for as long as possible.
<iframe src="" width="734" height="1306" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

United Nations Human Right Council must take up the case police brutality in USA. #USA #UN #BLM #blacklivesmatter Genova can also hold a court on Human Right Violations by USA police since it is not international disagreement. We don’t trust Genova for international court to solve problems between Nations. But we trust them with judging bad human right record of USA. Also according constitution of Iran any crime held abroad is also committed in Iran if part of crime has taken place in Iran. I am certain protesters in Iran who supported black lives matter protesters in America where right when they said they were threatened by a phone call from USA police. So USA police committed brutality in USA and then threatened the victim in Iran months later. So it is duty of Iran’s court to judge the case and decided about USA human right records and police brutality. #Iran

Black Lives Matter and Rise of Fascism in Europe

America has secret police that goes and destroys windows and doors to cause anger against protesters. The Secret Police in USA breaks the windows and then some elements follow them to loot. The American secret police is doing so to engineer consent against Black Lives Matter protesters. It makes people to not support BLM protesters and see them in negative light. It is form of engineering consent. It also gives USA Police, National Guard, and Federal Government to attack #Blacklivesmatter protesters. It is not acceptable. We cannot allow anti racism movement and protests to be defeated while Neo Nazi and Fascist Activists protesters everyday in Germany and France. Neo Nazi are protesting everyday in Europe. Neo Nazi are also getting closer to winning elections in Europe. Neo Nazi is an algorithm in Europe that kills all Muslim, Black, and Jewish person in Europe every several decades. It is coming back up again against Muslim migrants. It is coupled with anti Migrant movements in Europe. Specially since last survivors of Conflict in Syria have escaped to Europe it is very worrisome. Now we have black lives matter protesters in America and Britain. It must be expanded to cover protection for all minorities in Europe and America. We need to ensure there are also protests in Europe and America supporting protesters as well. We need to silence Trump and Bolsonaro as well for their racist comments is motivating and emboldening fascists in Europe and America. #Trump #BLM #Europe #Fascism #Nazi #Police #USA #Britain #UK #Blacklivesmatter

Racism has become part of law of USA

Not only there is systemic racism in American police department but there is systemic racism in US Federal Agencies. I must remind you racism is not limited to white and black people. Racism is practiced to a great deal toward Muslims and Hispanic Community among federal agents. Racism is in the mind of federal agents and in their actions. But it does not end there. Racism has become law of United States of America. Because it has become part of law enforcement and federal agencies procedures and methods. For Example, profiling of Muslims as terrorist or possible suspect is for institutionalized of racism. They don’t have the sentence ”Racism is law of United States of America in constitution.” But the practically have designed laws and procedures to be racist directly at many levels. The racism is law but nobody is brave enough to talk about it. The fact a black person is usual suspect is form of institutionalized racism. It is also true about Hispanic Communities and Muslims. So America has racism both at federal level and local police forces and its practice is legal and wide spread. We even a president in Office who is fascist, racist, and Islamophob. The president is building a wall because he hates Hispanic people. He had banned travel by Iranians to America because he hates Iranians. He has also threatened black people with more overwhelming force if they protest. Again racism is law of United States America. Racism is practiced in America. Our president is a fascist. We just don’t call them for what they are.


The Three Police Officers in Minnesota are not all the police officers in America who commit crimes. The Floyd is not the only victim of police brutality. There are countless black people who are victim of police Brutality in America. The vigil and Cries are not enough to solve our issue. All the police officers around the America who commit acts of police brutality must receive legal punishment. We need to have law enforcement for law enforcement who understand the condition of black people and even criminal. They say Law enforcement over the police must understand world of police officers. But Police officers don’t understand the world of black people and minorities. Mc:”It is true.” Uncle Sam:”But police officers must maintain law and order or the civil society falls apart.” Exactly. But it is illegal to beat up black people to death.
Mc:”They also beat up other minorities and commit act of violence against them. We must also support their cause.”
Indeed, there are many minorities America’s federal forces threat as terrorist and they are most violence against them. To not get too far from the main topic I must say there are many criminal police officers and guilty of Police Brutality. Victims are many. the criminal police must all receive fitting punishment including jail sentences. We must also change the system in America at many levels.
Changes in police system is insufficient in America. Because the way system of law enforcement is fundamentally designed leads to racism and police violence. The federal laws, federal regulations, and the design is racism and promotes racism in all Police systems in America. Yet some are far less apparent and people notice them less. To solve the racism we need changes at level of constitution of United States of America. This is why we have fifth amendment of US Constitution. We have the better solution and it getting independence for States of former United States of America. We can end our Union and gain independence to change police systems at fundamental levels. It will be the best solution because the Federal laws that create racism systems will be no longer in the design.

CIA; "Inside Job."

FBI: "Give Black Lives Matter Protesters some Material Support."
Uncle Sam: "That's entrapment."
CIA: "Inside Job.'
Makan: "We need to distribute 9mm Nuclear Bullets among Black Lives matter protesters. So they can fight and get independence."
FBI: "We don't have Nuclear Bullets."
Makan: "CIA has them.'
CIA: "What does that do?"
Makan: "Have you seen those gold 9mm hand guns? Ok I always thought what is special about them. Then I realized they are best for shooting 9mm Nuclear Bullets. But any 9mm handgun shoot Nuclear Bullets."
CIA: "We found some but they are about 40 and some mm Nuclear Bullets. They need Magnum or Sniper Rifles."
Makan; "We can have black lives matter protesters to 3D print Sniper Rifles and then shoot those bullets. It will not even in signal intelligence systems looking for bolistics."
FBI: "We can give black lives matter protesters Assault Rifles. They are less dangerous than Nuclear Bullets."
Makan: "But they are illegal."
Uncle Sam: "I thought Magnum is condom."
Makan: "High caliber hand gun."
Uncle Sam: "Sometime else. Better idea."
Makan: "We can take pipes and put chemical bombs in them and propel them. We can also get empty bullets and put chemical bombs in them. It is possible to make them in high school lab. Pipe could be used for propelling larger size chemical bombs, tacticals, and other such weapons. For example, tear gas could be propelled from a pipe similar to fire works. Is it better."
FBI: "Do we have to get masks?'
Makan: "I don't know. Maybe we do something else."
Uncle Sam: "Makan has Hurricanes and Weather Warfare."
Makan: "It will not help minorities and black people. It will not help them."
Uncle Sam: "Bozmache. Is it good?"
Makan: "Do you want me to send reptiles and alligators to help black lives matter protesters? They are very good and the dodge bullets and stones. They have radar systems due to effect of waves analyzing the environment. They dodge everything other than lasers."
CIA: "Let me ask. "
USA Military: "Stay away."
Makan: "Bozmache and Alligators have complex psychology and they may go mad and attack protesters."
FBI: "Do you guys have Alligators? How do we fight them."
Uncle Sam:"You call makan to classified material and method."
CIA:" I hate that."
Uncle Sam: "Let us think about something better."
Makan: "Drones. We can arm drones by Nuclear Bullets and have hand guns shooting 9 mm nuclear bullets from them. So we have African Americans have drones shooting Nuclear Bullets. So they survive the nuclear blasts. "
Uncle Sam: "Let me call my friends."
Israel: "I thought you guys only have Missiles and Speed Boats!"
Makan: "What are you talking about. Oh you talk about Iran. They are not here. I did not say African Americans must precession Engineer advanced Nuclear Bombers to bomb. I just assembled a hand gun on Drone. It is normal."
Uncle Sam:" Yes. Israel has a point. Keep it at the level hamas and Israel. Black Live matters with nothing and Police with Machine Guns."
CIA:" I have better Idea. What if we give black lives matter protesters Chicago Type Writer Machine Guns?"
Makan: "I remember Italian Mafia. Well we can have better ones assembled on top of Cars and on top of trucks. Then we have black lives matter protesters to have Machine Guns on cars."
Black Panthers:"Yes, but not enough. We have done that and we failed to full force of federal government. We need better weapons."
Supreme Mathematics:"Teach them how to make Hydrogen Bombs in Community Colleges."
Black Phanters:" They don't teach that in college. The supreme of Mathematics learned from Makan."
Makan: "As I said Hurricanes don't help protesters. Hydrogen Bombs will kill whole continent."
Iran: "I though you guys only have 200 nuclear bombs."
Israel:"I am not trying to make hydrogen bombs."
CIA:"I guess Chicago Type Writer is the best. Let us start typing with Type Writers."
Iran:"Pen is better."

UN Nation, Genova, Iran’s Justice System to judge Police Brutality Case in America

United Nations Human Right Council must take up the case police brutality in USA. #USA #UN #BLM #blacklivesmatter Genova can also hold a court on Human Right Violations by USA police since it is not international disagreement. We don’t trust Genova for international court to solve problems between Nations. But we trust them with judging bad human right record of USA. Also according constitution of Iran any crime held abroad is also committed in Iran if part of crime has taken place in Iran. I am certain protesters in Iran who supported black lives matter protesters in America where right when they said they were threatened by a phone call from USA police. So USA police committed brutality in USA and then threatened the victim in Iran months later. So it is duty of Iran’s court to judge the case and decided about USA human right records and police brutality. #Iran
We must provide Seattle protesters logistics, arms, and defenses. The police must not attack the protesters in Seattle who have declared autonomy from United States of America. This their right to declare autonomy and independence from United States of America. Seattle Public must join the protesters and those who captured capital hill and defend this victory. National Guards and the Police must join protesters and help in the process of independence of Seattle. If National Guards and Police join protesters to defend the independence of Seattle our victory is finalized. We must ensure the autonomy is protected and is achieved for Seattle. Seattle has access to open sea and geostrategically located on Pacific Ocean capable of trading with Japan, China, and USA. This means Seattle can becomes a world major economy. Seattle can become major world economy if Seattle stops paying federal taxes after independence. The extra income will be used for further industrializing Seattle bringing high tech jobs and blue collar jobs to Seattle. United States of America has policies which limits and suppressed economic growth in Seattle. Seattle must gain independence until aspiration of people of Seattle are achieved. We must provide Seattle protesters logistics, arms, and defenses. The police must not attack the protesters in Seattle who have declared autonomy from United States of America. This their right to declare autonomy and independence from United States of America. Seattle Public must join the protesters and those who captured capital hill and defend this victory. National Guards and the Police must join protesters and help in the process of independence of Seattle. If National Guards and Police join protesters to defend the independence of Seattle our victory is finalized. We must ensure the autonomy is protected and is achieved for Seattle. Seattle has access to open sea and geostrategically located on Pacific Ocean capable of trading with Japan, China, and USA. This means Seattle can becomes a world major economy. Seattle can become major world economy if Seattle stops paying federal taxes after independence. The extra income will be used for further industrializing Seattle bringing high tech jobs and blue collar jobs to Seattle. United States of America has policies which limits and suppressed economic growth in Seattle. Seattle must gain independence until aspiration of people of Seattle are achieved.
I congratulate autonomy of Capital hill of Seattle to people of Seattle. Now give them weapons, logistics, and capability to protect their autonomy. The autonomy of Seattle must become independence of Seattle. Also pure concrete over tunnel connecting New York to New Jersey. Protesters have blocked the tunnel connecting New York to New Jersey they must use the opportunity to pure concrete over the tunnel and block it. We have blocked all transit lines to open seas to New York by building stupid Metropolitan called Manhattan blocking new York access to open seas. We also created New Jersey to block Pennsylvania from open seas. We must also give independence to Pennsylvania to block new york access to open sea due to Pennsylvania being another country. New York:”I go through Connecticut.” #BLM #Seattle #Black #Lives #Matter #Blacklivesmatter #Seattle #NewYork #NewJeresey
Confederate flag must be allowed on USA ships. It is simple of confederation system of USA. It is not simple of racism but rather simple of independence of American states from USA. We don’t want to be part of USA and we are black lives matters leaders. Confederation means we don’t want federal government or federation. We want confederacy or better said dividing USA into four countries. I told you map of Syria is similar to map of USA. Now give independence to Texas. Good job. Now America is exactly similar to Syria. America is seeking to divide Syria into three countries. We told America however America seeks to divide Syria we will divide America. This is why we work for Independence of Commonwealth and California Republic. If America does not like to be divided into four countries we can split North America into four continents by mega earthquake. We can also give earth polar shift and send America to depth of ocean. I told you Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Military shall control Syria and will stay in Syria for thousand years. Iran shall control Iraq, Syria., Afghanistan, And Lebanon for another thousand years after few decades of delays. Now we targeted USA by Hurricane Florence and Michael. Then Trump signed for withdrawal of troop from Syria. But it never took effect. Leave Syria. Kurds must also withdraw all the way back to Iraq. Turkey and rebels must hand over control of Syria to Bashar Al-Assad. Syria must become part of Iran. Syria must become Persian Speaking Nation. Now we targeted USA by hurricane Cristobal. It means America withdraw from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Oman. I wish I had license to kick USA out of Djibouti. But I have license to also kick USA out of Somalia and Yemen. It is going to be nasty hurricane season with five million Americans to die due to storms. Also 35 million will die in America by Coronavirus. America must withdraw from the middle east and Red Sea now. Do it before it is too late son. Turkey must also leave NATO. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iraq #Afghanistan #Syria #Iran #USA #Army #Cristobal
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Confederacy: "I remember when they said when flag of Confederacy is about to fall its enemy will rise it up again from land of Massachusetts the Worst Enemy of Confederacy."
Makan Abazari:"You missed it. I also defeated Massachusetts in local elections. Massachusetts is overthrown."

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